Wednesday 19 December 2018

Ebook Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010

Assalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh Sobat Setia Catatan Sederhana  Ada 2 ebook SharePoint Workspace  2010 dari Microsoft Office Saya akan bagikan hari ini tapi  dibahas dengan Bahasa inggris

1 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Feutures and Benefits

2 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Produck Guide

Berikut Salah satu Daftar Isi  Ebook nya Sebagai Berikut

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Produck Guide

Table Of Conten

-Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010:  An Overview

-SharePoint Workspace: At-a-Glance
   Sync with SharePoint 2010 sites
   Take all or some of your SharePoint site content offline
   Add content with Direct Folder Access
    Search all available spaces
    Simplified log-in
    Microsoft SharePoint Mobile 2010
    Groove workspaces
    Get easier access to the right tools, at the right time
    Work on documents knowing no one else can
     Display your Launchbar to move between your workspaces with ease
     Customize with Microsoft Office Backstage view

-SharePoint Workspace 2010: A Closer Look
   Save time syncing your SharePoint 2010 sites to SharePoint Workspace
    SharePoint Workspace Synchronization Details
    SharePoint Workspace and the ODC
    SharePoint Workspace and Microsoft Sync Framework
    Server Performance Support
    InfoPath Forms easily synced from SharePoint Server 2010 sites
    Support for check in and check out
    Review SharePoint properties 
    Streamlined communications
    Improved language settings
    Simplified log-in
    Windows Search
     Improved Ribbon
     New Microsoft Office Backstage View


-Where to Find It

-Version Comparison

-SharePoint Workspace 2010 FAQ

-Feature Requirements/Disclosures

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Alhamdulillah Catatan Sederhana Ebook Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 telah Selesai Moon Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh


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    1. Tidak Gan ,blog lama Cuman Baru Di urus j...Aamiin...Makasih Gan Jazakalloh khoiron katsiro
