Friday, 25 January 2019

Ebook Visual Studio 2010

Assalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh Sobat Setia Catatan Sederhana Pada Siang hari ini saya akan membagikan sebuah Ebook   dari Microsoft Office  tapi  dibahas dengan Bahasa inggris Berikut Sekilas Info nya

Tabel Of Conten

1 From 2003 to 2010: Business Logic and Data 

Application Architecture
Plan My Night Data in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003
Data with the Entity Framework in Visual Studio 2010 
EF: Importing an Existing Database
EF: Model First 
POCO Templates 
Putting It All Together
Getting Data from the Database 
Getting Data from the Bing Maps Web Services 
Parallel Programming
AppFabric Caching 

2 From 2003 to 2010: Designing the Look and Feel

Introducing the PlanMyNight .Web Project
Running the Project 
Creating the Account Controller 
Implementing the Functionality 
Creating the Account View 
Using the Designer View to Create a Web Form
Extending the Application with MEF
Print Itinerary Add-in Explained 

3 From 2003 to 2010: Debugging an Application

Visual Studio 2010 Debugging Features
Managing Your Debugging Session
New Threads Window 

4 From 2003 to 2010: Deploying an Application

Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Packages
Visual Studio 2010 and Web Deployment Packages

Part II Moving from Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2010 

5 From 2005 to 2010: Business Logic and Data
Application Architecture
Plan My Night Data in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 .
Data with the Entity Framework in Visual Studio 2010 
EF: Importing an Existing Database
EF: Model First 
POCO Templates 
Putting It All Together
Getting Data from the Database
Getting Data from the Bing Maps Web Services
Parallel Programming
AppFabric Caching 

6 From 2005 to 2010: Designing the Look and Feel

Introducing the PlanMyNight .Web Project 
Running the Project 
Creating the Account Controller 
Implementing the Functionality
Creating the Account View 
Using the Designer View to Create a Web Form
Extending the Application with MEF
Print Itinerary Add-in Explained

7 From 2005 to 2010: Debugging an Application

Visual Studio 2010 Debugging Features .
Managing Your Debugging Session
New Threads Window

Part III Moving from Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 

From 2008 to 2010: Business Logic and Data
Application Architecture
Plan My Night Data in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Data with the Entity Framework in Visual Studio 2010 
EF: Importing an Existing Database
EF: Model First 
POCO Templates 
Putting It All Together
Getting Data from the Database
Parallel Programming
AppFabric Caching 

9 From 2008 to 2010: Designing the Look and Feel

Introducing the PlanMyNight .Web Project  .
Running the Project 
Creating the Account Controller 
Implementing the Functionality
Creating the Account View 
Using the Designer View to Create a Web Form
Extending the Application with MEF
Print Itinerary Add-in Explained

10 From 2008 to 2010: Debugging an Application .

Visual Studio 2010 Debugging Features .
Managing Your Debugging Session 
New Threads Window 
About the Authors

JIka Sobat Setia Mau Membaca nya Link Donlodnya  Dibawah ini




Alhamdulillah Catatan Sederhana Ebook Visual Studio 2010 Telah Selesai Mohon Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh

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