Assalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh Sobat setia Catatan Sederhana Di pagi Hari ini saya akan Membagikan Sebuah Ebook tentang Android Yang berbahasa Inggris ...ok langsung saja
Ebook A Quick Intro to Coding Applications for Android
Beginners, stop searching Google and start here
Sekilas Info
Getting Started! To start a new project, click “File” and “New Android Project.” If there isn't an option for Android projects, then the SDK plug-in is not installed properly for Eclipse and you may need to follow the directions at the Android Developers' website1 to complete the installation. If all goes well, you should see a new dialog window with a lot of options. These options define your project. The first, is the Project Name. For this tutorial, let's use “Coins” as our project name.
If you put spaces or special characters in this field, you could get mixed up when trying to compile the project, so be careful. Next, tick “Create new project in workspace.” Now, go down to “Build Target” and check whichever box is there for Android. Mine looks like this, (Because I have an ancient Android phone (the MyTouch 3g)):
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Alhamdulillah Catatan Sederhana Ebook A Quick Intro to Coding Applications for Android Telah selesai Mohon Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh
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