Sunday 2 December 2018

Ebook Tentang Android Part 2

Assalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh Sobat Setia Catatan Sederhana Masih tentang Ebook tentang Android Tapi  kalau yang ini Ebook Android berbahasa Inggris

Ebook Android Berbahasa inggris
Ebook Android Berbahasa Inggris

1. Ebook Google Android

Berikut Conten nya

1 Introduction

2 About Android

What Is Google Android?
What Is the Google Android SDK?
The Google Android Architecture
Google’s Motivation Behind Android

3 The Android SDK
General Structure Of The SDK
Tools Within The SDK
The Android Emulator
Android Documentation
Android Development Tools For Eclipse

4 The Android OS

The Android Emulator On OS-level
 The Kernel
 Fileystem Layout
 System Image
 User Data Image
 Cache Image
 SD Card Image
 Android-Specific Daemons

5 Source Code Life Cycle On Android 21

From Java Source Code To A Compiled Dex File
Packaging All Project Files Into An APK
How To Create And Deploy APKs Without Eclipse

6 Facing Difficulties In Developing On Android 23 6.1 Difficulties In Developing Dndroid Applications

Difficulties Developing In C/C++
Difficulties Developing In Java

7 Interconnect Daemon and GetProcessList 25 7.1 Motivation

Handling Interprocess Communication
Architecture Design And UML-Diagramm
Interconnect Daemon
Out Of Scope
What Did We Not Implement? Why?
What Else Could Be Done Based On This Project?

jika sobat Tertarik ingin Membaca nya akan Tetapi saya mau bilang Ebook Ini Berbahasa Inggris seperti biasa
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2. Ebook Andbook (Android progaming)

Berikut Content nya

Foreword / How to read this doc
What is Android – a GPhone?
Android from above
All applications are created equal
Breaking down application boundaries
Fast & easy application development
The first weeks
Dalvik.equals(Java) == false
Differences to a normal JavaVM
The Android Code Challenge
Creating Android Applications
Anatomy of an Android Application
Intent and Intent Filters
Intent Receiver
Content Provider
Android User Interfaces
Hierarchy of Screen Elements
A Tree-Structured UI
Comparing Android UI Elements to Swing UI Elements
The AndroidManifest.xml
Resources and the magic
List of resources
Using resources in code
Referencing Resources
Alternate Resources & Localization
The magic
Hello World – The Android way.
Installing the Android SDK
The Android Development Tools (ADT)
Installing the Eclipse Plugin (ADT)
Updating the ADT Plugin
Installation done, let’s do some code
Creating a new Android Project
Huh, what are all that files supposed to do ?
The Main Activity
The XML-Layout (main.xml)
The AndroidManifest.xml
Running your first application
UIs the Java way
System.out.println(…) ?
The LogCat
Using the LogCat
Using Intents
Starting (Sub)Activities
Finding XML-defined Views in Java-Code
Handling Clicks to Views
Returning values from SubActivities
Passing Data to (Sub)Activities
Important Layouts and ViewGroups
The RelativeLayout

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Alhamdulillah Catatatn Sederhana Ebook Tentang Android Part 2 Telah selesai Mohon Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh Wabarokaatuh

Btw Saya MengUcap kan Terima kasih Telah berkunjung Di Blog Saya

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