Wednesday 12 December 2018

Ebook Os Eclipse Android

Assalamu'aliakum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh sobat setia Catatan Sederhana Berikut ini Ebook Bahasa Inggris Yang menerangkan Tentang Android berikut sekilas info Ebook nya

Develop Android applications with Eclipse
Get started with Google's Android Development Tools Eclipse plug-in
Skill Level: Intermediate

Frank Ableson
Software designer


Section 1. Before you start
About this tutorial
System requirements
     for this tutorial.
     Eclipse Platform Eclipse
     Android Developer Tools The Android Developer Tools
     Source code

Section 2. Introduction to Android
Android terminology
       Open Handset Alliance
       Dalvik Virtual Machine
Android basics and required tools
Why is Android important?
The intent
The IntentFilter

Section 3. Android applications A quick survey
Services and receivers
Data management with ContentProvider

Section 4. Android Software Developer Kit
Obtaining and installing Eclipse
Obtaining and installing the Android SDK
Obtaining and installing the Eclipse plug-in
Configuring the Eclipse plug-in

Section 5. Building the SaySomething Android application

New project wizard
The Package Explorer

Section 6. Building the content provider and Google Maps example
Section 7. Summary

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Alhamdulillah Catatan Sederhana Ebook Os Eclipse Android Telah selesai Mohon Maaf jika ada Kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh

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