Saturday 8 December 2018

Ebook Microsof Office Mobile

Assalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh, Sobat setiaa Catatan sederhana Di pagi hari ini  saya akan Share 2 buah ebook dari Microsoft tapi berbahasa inggris Langsung saja

1 Microsoft Office Mobile 2010 Product guide

Table of Contens

  • Microsoft Office Mobile 2010: An Overview 
  • Office Mobile: 2010 At-a-Glance
  • Office Mobile 2010: A Closer Look 
  • An intuitive, touch-friendly user interface
  • Enjoy an integrated mobile application experience
  • View and update your Office documents on the go—no learning curve required
  • Word Mobile 
  • Excel Mobile
  • PowerPoint Mobile
  • Outlook Mobile
  • OneNote Mobile 
  • Search, access, synchronize, and share documents via  SharePoint 2010 sites
  • Connect your e-mail accounts and stay up to date
  •  Keep your notes organized and in sync
  •  Stay in the communication loop 
  •  Edit and save your documents with confidence
  •   Mobile access to your security-enhanced information
  • Conclusion 
  • Office Mobile 2010 FAQ
  • Feature Availability / Disclosures 


2 Microsof Office Mobile Features & Benefits


  • Forget the learning curve. 
  • Easily stay productive when you’re on the go. 
  • Send, update, and access your vital information at your convenience. 




Alhamdulillah Catatan Sederhana Ebook Microsof Office Mobile telah selesai mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh...

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