Monday 19 November 2018

Ebook Microsoft Oficce 2010 Berbahasa inggris

 Assalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh sobat setia catatan sederhana ketika saya lagi hapus hapus file saya menemukan sebuah
Ebook berbahasa inggris lagi daripada sya hapus lebih baik saya bagikan kepada sobat judul

Ebook  Firs Look Microsoft Office 2010

Berikut Daftar isi nya

1 Welcome to Office 2010

2 Express Yourself Effectively and Efficiently

3 Collaborate in the Office and Around the World

4 Create and Share Compelling Documents with Word 2010

5 Create Smart Data Insights with Excel 2010

6 Manage Rich Communications with Outlook 2010 .

7 Produce Dynamic Presentations with PowerPoint 2010

8 Organize, Store, and Share Ideas with OneNote 2010

9 Collaborate Effectively with SharePoint Workspace 2010

10 Create Effective Marketing Materials with Publisher 2010

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Alhamdulilah Catatan Sederhana Ebook MiCrosoft Ofice 2010 telah selesai Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan Wasalamu'alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokaatuh

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